Dedicated to Promote Horticultural Sciences
General Body
General Body of Society for Promotion of Horticulture

All the members of the society are eligible to attend the General Body of the society. It will be conducted once in a year to take stock of the society activity and plan future line of work. Meetings of the Society, time, date and venue of the annual General body meeting shall be arranged by the Executive Council, if possible in cooperation with other organizations having similar purpose.  The venue shall be fixed by the Executive Council according to facilities and convenience of the members.

The agenda for the General Body meeting shall be circulated at least one month in advance.

An extraordinary meeting of the Society shall be convened if one third of the members of the Society send a signed requisition to the Secretary for such a meeting.  The Society may call an emergent or extraordinary meeting of the General body by giving the members 21 days notice.

Meetings of the Society shall be presided over by the President or in his absence Vice-President or one member of the Council elected at the meeting.

All decisions will be by consensus, in the absence of which voting will be resorted to.

Functions of the General Body
  • An Annual General meeting of the society shall be held which may be in conjunction with any national conference concerned by the executive committee.
  • The Secretary of the Society will present the report of the action taken on the decisions of the previous meeting and also initiate discussion for the current year.  The Treasurer will present the audit report of the Society.
  • An Executive Council of 12 members shall be elected once in two years.
  • Voting shall be by secret ballot.
Elections of Office Bearers
  • All elections to the office shall take place at the General Body meeting of the Society. The Executive council shall co-opt members to fill up interim vacancies.
  • The following procedure shall be adopted for all the elections to the office:
  • The Secretary shall circulate a list of members three months before the annual General Body meeting.  He/she shall invite nominations, duly seconded by another member and shall also ascertain the willingness of the nominee for the office before two months of election. The list of members contesting shall also be circulated before 30 days of the election.  The presiding officer should not contest for any office of the Council.
  • All voting shall be by secret ballot.  The ballot paper will be supplied by the Secretary and returned as advised by the Secretary.
  • Persons nominated for the purpose by the Society shall scrutinize votes.
  • A majority shall elect.  Drawing lots shall decide tie.
  • All retiring office bearers shall be eligible for re-election.
SPH Journals
Vol 1 Dec-2009