i. To advance the scientific principles and practices into horticulture and to promote the profession of horticultural sciences (fruits, vegetables, ornamental crops, medicinal and aromatic crops, tuber crops including potato, plantation crops, spices, cashew, cocoa, etc.)
ii. To provide scientific and technical advice to government and industry organizations engaged in regulating horticultural trade.
iii. To promote close relationship with the International Society for Horticultural Sciences and other related societies both national and international in the field of horticulture.
iv. To publish a Journal in English called 'Journal of Horticultural Sciences'. This shall include original research papers on any aspect of horticulture.
v. To provide a medium for the exchange, discussion and dissemination of current development in the field of horticultural sciences by holding meetings, Symposia, etc.
vi. To publish catalogues, bibliographies, checklists, monographs, books, reviews, etc., in the field of horticultural science.
vii. To recognize the contribution of outstanding researchers all aspects of horticultural science and to institute suitable annual or biennial awards.
viii. The benefits of the Society shall be open to all irrespective of caste, creed or religion, whose interests comply with the objects of the society.