Volume 2, Issue 2, December 2007

Table of Contents


Plant Growth Regulators in Water Stress Tolerance
G. S. R. Murti, K. K. Upreti 73-93

Research Article

Effects of Growth Regulators and Explant-Type on Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation in Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) cv. Manjarigota
D. P. Prakash, B. S. Deepali, R. Asokan, Y. L. Ramachandra, Lalitha Anand, Vageeshbabu S. Hanur 94-98
A Revised Protocol for in Vitro Propagation of Carica papaya Using Lateral Buds from Field-Grown Trees
Prakash Patil, Neeta Vastrad, M. R. Dinesh, A. R. Bantwal 99-103
Breeding French Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) for Resistance to Rust (Uromyces phaseoli Reben Wint.)
T. S. Aghora, N. Mohan, R. G. Somkuwar, Girija Ganeshan 104-107
Radiosensitivity of Amla (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.) Varieties Treated with Gamma Rays
B. Senthamizh Selvi, V. Ponnuswami, N. Kumar 108-111
Effect of Spacing and Corm Size on Growth, Flowering and Corm Production in Gladiolus cv. White Prosperity under Kashmir Conditions
Z. A. Bhat, F. U. Khan 112-114
DRIS Norms for Identifying Yield-Limiting Nutrients in Sapota (Manilkara achras (Mill). Fosberg) Cv. Cricketball
K. Anjaneyulu 115-118
Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) and French Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) as Influenced by Coating of Urea with Neem Oil and Graded Levels of Nitrogen
S. C. Kotur, Y. P. Shilpashree, M. S. Sheshshayee, P. R. Ramesh 119-122
Effect of Shade and Integrated Nutrient Management on Biochemical Constituents of Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.)
S. Padmapriya, N. Chezhiyan, V. A. Sathiyamurthy 123-129
Response of Garlic to Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers
M. B. Patil, D. S. Shitole, S. B. Shinde, N. D. Purandare 130-133
Oxidative Stress and Changes in Antioxidant and Biochemical Constituents in Papaya (Carica papaya L.) under Salt Stress
M. Subhas Chander, R. Palaniappan 134-138
Studies on Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Pomegranate Cultivars in Kashmir Valley
M. M. Mir, A. Q. Jhon, F. U. Khan, Nelofar 139-142
Effect of Dry and Wet Storage on Post Harvest Life and Flower Quality in Cut Tulip cv. Cassini
Nelofar, F. U. Khan, A. Q. Jhon, M. M. Mir 143-147
Effect of Date of Harvest and Floral Preservatives on Vase Life of Cut Flowers in Tuberose (Polyanthes tuberosa L.) cv. Double
D. K. Varu, A. V. Barad 148-152

Short Communication

Performance of Mosambi Sweet Orange on Different Rootstocks Grown in Laterite Soil in West Bengal
S. N. Ghosh, Ranjan K. Tarai 153-155
Effect of Pre-Harvest Application of GA3 and PP333 as Bulb Dip and Foliar Spray on Quality and Vase Life of Cut Tulip cv. Cassini
F. U. Khan, F. A. Malik, F. A. Khan, Nelofar 156-158
Effect of Bunch-Trimming on Yield and Quality in Banana
M. A. Hasan, R. Ray Chowdhury, S. Sarkar, S. Mathew 159-161
Effect of Various Nursery Media on Onion Seedlings Development
Devi Singh, Vijay Bahadur 162-163