Dedicated to Promote Horticultural Sciences
Journal - Abstracts
    (NAAS Rating - 3.06)

         The Editorial Board consist of one Chief Editor and two or three Associate Editors.  Five members of well known repute in all aspects of horticulture shall be nominated by the Executive Council, who will assist in the publication of good quality papers.  The Associate Editors shall be nominated by the Executive Council.

         The Chief Editor shall be responsible for the timely publication of the journal of the society.  He/she shall act as Convenor of the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board will be the final authority for the scrutiny and publication of the articles in the journal.  All articles will be referred to the competent specialists. It will plan the editorial policies of the Journal from time to time.  The period of the board members, unless extended, shall be four years.

    Meetings of the Editorial Board

    An annual or biennial meeting of the Chief Editor, Associate Editors and members may be held at the time of the General Body meeting of the Society.

SPH Journals
Vol 1 Dec-2009