7 interesting plants to decorate your garden in winter

Today I am going to show you some plants with which to brighten up your garden in winter , either because they choose this time to bloom or because their bold fruits then decide to adorn their branches. If you want to add some color to this insipid season, you can opt for one of the following species.

Plants to decorate the garden in winter by Tammy Jackson (CC BY-SA 2.0)

The Siberian tundra became fond of us for a few days, sending us its icy breath. Yes, the cold and snow were the protagonists during the past week throughout Europe, making us shiver and click our teeth.

A frozen stamp is not very representative of the Mediterranean area , with its normally mild winters, but not uncommon for that.

Faced with these extreme conditions, the plants respond with their lethargy , waiting for better times. Although it is not necessary that they be so excessive; most species are already preparing for the first cold of autumn by losing their leaves, sacrificing their aerial part or simply ceasing their activity.

Luckily there are plants that reveal themselves; not only do they resist the cold but they decide to show their best clothes just during these dates.

Laurustinus or wild laurel

The Laurustinus (Viburnum tinus) , a Mediterranean shrub that we talked about last week, is an example of this.

This champion blooms during the months of January and February , providing the necessary touch of joy with its small white flowers grouped in clusters.

Goes well solo or as a living fence, neatly trimmed or worn more casually. It is a versatile and resistant plant that you should consider.

Pyracantha or firethorn

Pyracantha (Pyracantha coccinea)’s contribution to winter is not its flowers but its fiery red or sometimes orange berries that dot its branches.

In spring there will also be a profuse white and very aromatic bloom, which is worth it in itself, but that’s another story.

It is an ideal shrub for use as an informal hedge , protecting the garden from prying eyes. Although, beware! it has considerable quills; its main defense against intruders can turn against you at the time of pruning.


Rose bushes (Rosa ssp) are always a good alternative to fill your garden or terrace with color throughout the year.

If you live in a frost-free place and protect them by planting them near a wall or similar, you can enjoy, like me, roses like these even in winter. However, it should be noted that rose bushes, in any of their types or varieties, are plants that flower mainly during spring.

Lantana or Spanish flag

This plant ( Lantana camara ), commonly known as the Spanish flag due to the frequent red and yellow tones of its flowering, has flowers practically throughout the year. In winter it is common to see their colors also in places with a mild climate or in the most sheltered areas.

Keep in mind that it does not withstand intense cold. In these circumstances, it is more convenient to use the Lantana montevidensis , which has a creeping habit and lilac inflorescence, although it behaves similarly.

Pansies ( Viola x vittrockiana )

Pansies ( Viola x vittrockiana ) are often used as a seasonal plant. They are planted in autumn for a splash of colour, but it is in winter that they are at their best, blooming non-stop and giving new life to the garden.

They resist the cold without problems, but when the heat arrives they will suffer. It is convenient to prune them then (in summer) and wait until autumn for new budding.


The cyclamen (Cyclamen persicum) is another seasonal plant that cannot be missed during the winter season. Its flowers are usually white, pink or purple and it has a peculiar drawing on the upper part of its leaves.

Cyclamen “Ciclamen persicum”, by Enrique Gaspar (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Plant in early fall in a semi-shaded spot; It will serve its purpose until spring.

It does not tolerate excessive cold, which is why it is also usually grown indoors.


A tree could not be missing from this list. The almond tree (Prunus dulcis) is also a good exponent if you have to challenge winter.

In the month of February, long before spring arrives or even its leaves come out, it will dress its branches with flowers in a spectacular way. It is the earliest fruit tree.

Other fruit trees, such as some citrus trees , dazzle the branches with their juicy fruits during late fall and early winter. Lemons, tangerines or oranges will not only serve us as food but before reaching the table they will also dress our orchard.

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