Correlation Studies in Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.)

Tarannum, B. Hemla Naik


Eight genotypes of carnation were evaluated for phenotypic and genotypic correlation coefficient between flower yield and 23 quantitative traits, to understand the association between these characters and their relative contribution to flower yield. The aim was to bring about rational improvement in carnation. Genotypic correlation coefficients were higher than phenotypic correlation coefficients for most of the characters studied. Flower yield per square meter showed highly significant association with number of branches, nodes per stalk and nodes per plant; stem girth, number of leaves, leaf area, total dry matter and duration of flowering. Significant association was found with plant spread, girth of flower and flower length, and, negative correlation was seen with days taken to flower bud initiation, first harvest and peak flowering, at the genotypic level. Whereas the number of nodes per plant and duration of flowering exhibited positive and highly significant correlation with yield, only significant correlation was found with plant spread, number of branches, nodes per stalk; stem girth, number of leaves and vase life, at the phenotypic level. These traits may serve as effective selection parameters for carnation improvement.


Carnation, Crop Improvement, Genotypic Correlation, Phenotypic, Correlation.

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